Frosting – a stylish finish to jewelry

Frosted surfaces are a relatively new trend in jewelry design. If previously the bright shine of gold was appreciated, nowadays a noble, slightly subdued shine is in fashion.

The specificity of frosted gold jewelry

Jewelers have long been using the technique of combining mirror and matte surfaces, but the widespread use of matting in the manufacture of gold jewelry has been quite recent. With each day the trend for understated elegance wins back more and more positions from provocative sexuality, and it is reflected in everything – in dresses, shoes, accessories and, of course, in jewelry.

But for the spectacular and stylish look of frosted gold jewelry, you have to pay the price of frequent cleaning. The tiny particles of dirt that accumulate very quickly in the micronized surfaces can cause a negative impact on the aesthetics of the jewelry. It is possible to clean them with a specialized jewelry cosmetic without using a polishing cloth. The best way to remove stains on matt gold is with ultrasound.

Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to quickly and efficiently remove any dirt from your jewelry, including grease and organic compounds. The method is based on the effect of ultrasonic vibrations of the cleaning solution on the surface of the immersed solid body. The cavitation flow penetrates all the hard-to-reach places, returning the jewelry to its former beauty.

It is worth remembering that frosted jewelry requires careful handling. They must be stored separately from other items, because if there is even the slightest scratch on the matte surface, it will be almost impossible to get rid of it.

Methods of frosted gold

In general terms, matting of gold and silver is the formation of the rough surface of the metal. This procedure is a finishing operation and is carried out in several ways depending on whether the surface is more or less fine-grained. You can choose and buy frosted vancouver engagement rings on modern jewelry websites. There is now a wide selection of jewelry that differs from each other in their visual characteristics.

Frosting as a finishing operation is the last stage in the production of jewelry. It is responsible for the main task of finishing: giving the jewelry piece a finished look. Due to the combination of machine and hand work, craftsmen manage to create an organic image embodied in gold or silver.